The original Moringa tree may be found in the Himalayan Mountains of northern India, however today it is widely cultivated in many different regions. Both as a food and a medicine, it enjoys widespread use. Moringa Leaves powder can be made from the plant’s dried leaves. Because of its rich calcium, iron, potassium, and vitamin A, C, and E content, this herbal powder was used for thousands of years by the ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans.

It is possible to utilize a powder made from drumstick or Moringa leaves as an antibacterial to clean up contaminated areas. As an added bonus, it can kill out a wide variety of germs and fungi. Malaria, typhoid fever, high blood pressure, and diabetes can all be treated with powder made from fresh Moringa leaves. Its beneficial effects are widely attributed to the variety of substances it contains.

Medicine That Fight Germs

Cosmetics for the Hair

Protein found in plants

Vitamins and Minerals and Other Health Enhancing Add-Ons

Toxin-Free Teas & Juices

Skincare Items