
Buy Giloy Powder Online in India (100 Grams)

Original price was: ₹85.00.Current price is: ₹75.00.



Welcome to Farmaile, your trusted source for pure Giloy powder in Gujarat. Do you have any idea what Giloy is? Giloy The term “Madhunashini,” which comes from Ayurveda and means “destroyer of sugar,” describes her. It’s a herb that helps with digestion and boosts your immune system, also known as Amrita or Guduchi in the Hindi language

With its long history of usage in Ayurvedic treatment, Giloy has become an integral part of traditional Indian medicine. Giloy, known in Sanskrit as “Amrita,” is considered by many to be the source of eternal life. As a result of its wide range of applications, giloy powder has quickly become one of the most popular herbs for general health and wellness. Farmaile provides pure Giloy powder made from dried Giloy roots. There are no artificial flavors or colors added to it, and it is 100% natural. Protein, fiber, zinc, potassium, manganese, calcium, and iron are just some of the many vitamins and minerals that may be found in abundance in giloy powder. In addition, it contains active chemicals like Alkaloids, Terpenoids, Lignans, etc., that are crucial for your health.

Its leaves, which are shaped like hearts and resemble betel leaves, give the plant its name. Ayurvedic treatment makes use of the entire plant. The stem, on the other hand, is said to contain the most medicinal chemicals. Tinospora Cordifolia is a scientific name for Tinospora Cordifolia. Although the root and leaves of Giloy are both beneficial, the stem’s efficiency is more commonly recognised because to the alkaloids and other nutrients it contains. Buy Giloy Powder Online in India from Farmaile

Health Benefits:

  • It’s an antioxidant powerhouse, so it helps the body fight off illness.
  • Some evidence suggests that it may also aid in detoxifying the body and bringing about a general improvement in blood quality.
  • For long-term fever relief, try giloy powder.
  • Giloy powder has been proved to be quite useful in digestion and intestinal issues.
  • Assists in maintaining healthy blood sugar levels.
  • Giloy powder is an effective health tonic.
  • Controls Blood Sugar,Improves Digestion,Reduces Stress,Improves Eyesight,Boosts Immunity,Anti Aging,Protects Heart